The graduation cap is a traditional symbol of students all over the world and should not be missing at any graduation. In our offer you will find a wide range of graduation caps, both in matte (MATT series) and glossy (STANDARD series) design. The MATT series is better suited to be combined with a gown, as it is made of the same fabric. The fabric used in the graduation caps of the STANDARD series has a traditional structured design and a slight sheen that gives the cap a festive touch. So it is better suited as a gift or for graduation without gowns.
A graduation gown will completely change the atmosphere of this festive event. Fresh graduates look simply amazing in traditional gowns and caps, and they will have stylish graduation photos! In our offer you will find the universal U1 cut, which we always keep in stock in sufficient quantities, but also interesting world cuts and traditional hoods that can be made to order for larger groups.
You can also rent graduation caps and gowns from us. We believe that you should enjoy the graduation above all, and not stress about the deadline for returning the rented goods. That's why we don't set a price for each rental day, but the price is set uniformly for the rental as such, up to a period of 7 days! You will have enough time for photos after graduation and, in the case of schools, to address students who in their euphoria accidentally take the gown and cap home.
How does the rental process work? As easy as shopping!
In our e-shop, you insert caps and gowns into the cart, fill in the reservation date and send the order. We will check the order and if we have enough pieces available for this date, we will confirm it to you immediately. We'll take care of the rest. We carefully clean, iron and fold the gowns and caps and send them well in advance so that you can use them fully for the entire booked period. After graduation, you will return the rented goods in the same boxes and send them to our address by any carrier you like to work with. We will take care of the cleaning and ironing again.
You can find more detailed information and additional services in the article
"Rental of graduation gowns and caps".
Graduation sashes belong to high school ball like traditional student caps belong to students. We have been looking for a suitable supplier for you for more than half a year, who would fulfil our expectations of the quality of the material and print of the sash, and our search took us all the way to the fairytale land of the kings of Great Britain. You can choose from 18 colours of high-quality satin ribbons, 12 print colours incl. metallic colours and an abundance of fonts.
We realize the print of the sash ourselves, thanks to which we can be really fast and careful in the realization. We know that it matters to you. If you want, we can send you a visualization of the design before producton.
We are very pleased with the interest from Slovakia and we would like to assure you that we sell and rent our goods throughout Slovakia. You will be surprised how quickly we can deliver the goods!
If you are a VAT payer, after entering a valid VAT number in the cart, VAT will be automatically deducted so that you can immediately pay for your purchase in the correct amount using the online payment method.
You can find more detailed information in the article
"Delivery to Slovakia".
"Přivezeme & Odvezeme"
Under this name, you will find a service in our offer that we personally deliver the rented goods to you at the agreed date and time and then take it away again. The service can be realized at any Prague address.
This service was created on the initiative of our regular clients and we cannot praise it enough. We will be happy to meet you and take care of the complete delivery service of graduation clothes for your graduation and you will enjoy your graduation stress-free!
Did you know that students all over the world traditionally like to keep their graduation cap or its tassel as a souvenir?
Although we do not sell individual tassels in our standard offer, we have clients who regularly rent graduation caps from us and buy the tassels, which students can keep as souvenirs afterwards.
A beautiful tradition in which we were happy to support them!
Our clients often inspire us with their questions, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have a special request.
Our e-shop dedicated to schools, kindergartens and collectives
We have prepared the e-shop especially for schools, kindergartens and collectives. Here you will find not only a complete offer of our products intended for you, but also information and specific services such as "Přivezeme & Odvezeme" transport.
We really appreciate that you find a moment in today's "fast world" and write us how satisfied you were with us. Every positive reference fills us with new energy and often inspires us to further expand the business. We have selected some of the many positive references we have received from you to share with you the experiences of those who have already bought from us. All these reviews are from real customers. For more information about how we get reviews, see Terms and Conditions.
Thank you
Palec hore
Palec hore
Anna L., 24/03/24, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Maximálna spokojnosť
Maximálna spokojnosť
Jana F., 19/07/23, DĚTSKÁ studentská čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Všetko bez problémov - odporúčam.
Všetko bolo rýchle, jasné a čiapky krásne. Veľká vďaka.
Aneta Č., 13/07/22, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
děkuji firmě za expres dodání na druhý den
Kateřina B., 28/06/22, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Zodpovedá ponuke. Boli sme s
Zodpovedá ponuke. Boli sme s prenájmom spokojní.
Petra P., 08/06/22, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Detské talare a čiapky sú
Detské talare a čiapky sú úžasne. Komunikácia v prípade potreby,bola rovnako úžasná. Ďakujeme
Radka G., 12/05/22, DETSKÁ študentská čiapka MATT - čierna
Rýchle dodanie, bezproblémová komunikácia, príjemný
Rýchle dodanie, bezproblémová komunikácia, príjemný materiál
Klaudia T., 27/04/22, Promoční talár - U1 - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Skvělá rychlá služba a moc
Skvělá rychlá služba a moc ochotná paní,
Renáta P., 16/11/21, Promoční talár - U1 - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
110 %
Perfektní, profesionální a bleskově poskytnuté služby. V úterý večer objednáno (půjčení talárů a promočních čepic), ve čtvrtek dopoledne (!) doručeno. Skvělá komunikace a vstřícný přístup, bleskové vrácení kauce po zaslání talárů zpět. Taláry byly moc hezké, nebyly (navzdory přepravě) ani pokrčené, bylo možno zvolit si ze široké nabídky barev šál a střapců na čepicích. Dokonce i vedení fakulty mi sdělilo, že jsou taláry hezčí než naše univerzitní, které jinak mimo COVID máme :). Doporučuji všemi dvaceti a děkuji :).
Karolína F., 26/10/21, Promoční talár - U1 - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
rýchle doručovanie, krásna čiapka, spokojná
rýchle doručovanie, krásna čiapka, spokojná zákazníčka, skvelá komunikácia, maximálne odporúčam
Tímea V., 14/10/21, Promoční čepice MATT - černá
Spokojenost nadevše!
Zapůjčené taláry přišly včas, krásně zabalené, úhledně složené a čisté. S kamarádkami jsme si taláry půjčovaly na promoce a máme díky nim opravdu krásný zážitek. Ve škole při focení, se na nás chodili podívat i úplně cizí lidé! "Všema deseti" doporučuji firmu NAPROMOCI, komunikace i objednávka a následné vrácení talárů proběhlo bez jakýchkoliv komplikací! Moc Vám děkujeme.❤
Petra.O, 14/10/21, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Extrémne rýchle doručenie! V stredu
Extrémne rýchle doručenie! V stredu večer objednaná, vo štvrtok ráno doručená na východ SR
Diana R., 14/10/21, Promoční čepice MATT - černá
Jsme VŠ a každoročně u
Jsme VŠ a každoročně u této společnosti pronajímáme taláry pro naše končící studenty. Jsme velmi spokojeni s kvalitou oblečení i servisem firmy.
Magda P., 14/10/21, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
Promoční táláry, které jsme si
Promoční táláry, které jsme si pronajali do školy, byly ve vynikajícím stavu a z kvalitního materiálu. Studenti byli velmi spokojeni. Firma nás vyšla vstříc při vrácení zboží. Rádi si zase za rok taláry pronajmeme.
Nikol H., 13/05/19, Promoční talár - U1 - PRONÁJEM 7 dní
i liked it. it fitted perfectly on my head
Ioanna e., 26/07/18, Promoční čepice STANDARD - černá
Good service
Good service
serag s., 11/07/18, Promoční čepice MATT - PRONÁJEM 7 dní